Sunday, December 9, 2007


#61. Drool in front of someone. Yea, shrooms will have the effect on you sometimes.

#62. Run with scissors. I didn't fall over. I didn't impale myself.

#63. Party out in the woods. See 'Go Camping'

#64. Tell parents I have a tattoo. The first one my mom told me to get the fuck out of her house, the 2nd and 3rd she laughed and told me she liked them. Shes not bipolar or anything.

#65. Jump off a really high platform. I got to jump off a couple things at boot camp. We dove off the high dive for swim qual and I got a few jumps off things in the Confidence Course. Good times. Jumping off the top of the dug outs into the fly ball net was exciting.

#66. Have sex in a tent. Rocks digging into my knees while I'm going at it. Bugs and sweat. Thats hot.

#67. Learn a martial arts move. I've studied jiu jitsu, wrestling, muay thai, tae kwon do, and boxing. Wrestling is the shit.

#68. Teach a dog a trick. Brownie can now sit, lay down, dance and shake. Buckeye sits when he wants to. However, he can speak.

#69. Learn to play Euchre. Its a pretty fun card game. I really and truly don't understand why people get so obsessed with it.

#70. Ace an exam. Its been many moons since I have, but I have. I swear. Stop looking at me that way.

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