Wednesday, July 23, 2008


#211. Complete making my list. I finally fucking did it. It took a loooong 6 years to do. Admittedly, there were many breaks, recesses, and writer's block periods. But the end of an era is here. I have completed the list in which this blog is premised on. Heres to 1001 adventures!

#212. Own over 200 albums. I've got 211 complete albums and 2467 songs. I used to have about 8,500 song on iTunes, until my external hard drive shriveled up and died. So much metal and 80's one hit wonders were lost. I'm on the long road of returning them for my audio intaking pleasure. You'll only get a good taste of metal right now...everything from 30 Inches of Blood to Slayer. Recently, I've been jamming out to Between the Buried and Me....its like Queen gone Death Metal. Check it out.

#213. Own a Ouija Board. YOU'RE MOVING IT!! STOP CHEATING!! I used to be really scared of Ouija Boards when I was little. I have a couple of older cousins and they always told me really creepy stories about what would happen when they would play with it. My cousin Jason, a big rig driver now, told me that the Ouija Board told him he was going to die when he was 54. So appaled by this prediction, he threw the Board out. However, the next morning he said it was right outside his house, stuck in some tree. I shouldn't have been such an Ar-tard. I'll just have to scare the shit out of my kids when I'm older with the same story.
#214. Get a pedicure. I know, my feet are kind of Flinstone-esque. So, I only have so much to work with. The black nail polish really brings out my natural eye color....also, I acknowledge I have Hobbit feet. The Shire represent.

#215. Watch water boil. This sht was boring. My pots and pans are made out of Calphalon so they are more thin than most other cooking ware. This lets it heat up a little faster, so I wasn't sitting on my ass for even longer than I need to. This was by far the most boring item on my list so far.
#216. Have a vanity license plate. I'm going to get a lot of shit for having a vanity license plate. I really wanted to get 'ORGASM' but the DMV didn't entirely approve of it. O-H...

#217. Buy a vehicle to restore. For those of you who don't already know, I bought a truck. She's my baby. It's a 1984 Ford F150. She's a sexy two tone blue, V8, and she purrs like a kitten. Now, I only need to give her a lift, some swamper tires, smoke stacks, and turn that purr into a roar.

#218. Learn to write my name in Japanese. I researched this pretty extensively, so I don't think it says 'Whore' or 'Tunafish Sandwich'

#219. Own an exotic animal. I was the proud owner of a Tomato Frog. I named him Bama. He was angry looking and red. They hail from Madagascar.

#220. Meet a convicted felon. Its a pretty odd story. My dad grew up with this guy named T.C. When he was 19, he was already married, which was common in Amelia, VA. Also, not an odd occurence, he was having problems with his marriage. Well, the story goes that she left him and joined a biker gang. To add icing to the cake, she said she raped him. Now, I don't know if its true or not...
But 20 years in the state prison can change someone. Hes born again and has a little house in the middle of no where with his new wife. You'd never know he was convicted of such a horrible crime. I'm torn on whether or not to give him a chance. Rape isn't something you can take lightly..and it goes unpunished WAY too much in the country, especially on campuses. I don't know where I'd be if I never had a 2nd, 3rd, 4th or more, I'm gonna go out on a limb and see if he can redeem himself.
Oh, and he can fish like a mad man.

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