#32. Own a stuffed animal. Even big manly men own stuffed animals right? They don't? oh...well...uh. I still do. I've got this one bear in overalls that say 'Smarty Pants' and a graduation hat get up. My mom gave it to me when I graduated Pre-school.
#33. Sell something on Ebay. I've sold some books and my old computer monitor on Ebay. Its amazing the amount of money you can make from CRAP.
#34. Go camping. Out in Strausburg, Virginia Tim Hand has some friends that have a nice piece of land in the country. It bumps up to a creek you can swim in and try and drown your dog in. There was a place for a fire, which me and Drew quickly created...because we're men...with kerosene. We shot some guns, roasted some marshmallows, lit fireworks, and drank way too much alcohol. Jackson got drunk and fell in the river and sadly, lost his sandals. Jess, Drew and I decided to go pass out while the others were still drinking the whiskey. Needless to say, I awoke a couple hours later to the sound of an AK47 rattling off rounds. I rolled over and went back to bed.
#35. Give blood. Where else can you get out of work, have a juice box, and nibble on cheesecake?? Only at blood drives at Marine Barracks, Washington.
#36. Have sex with a soririty girl. Evidently, doing this causes you to skip class and fail out of college. Stay away from them.
#37. Go coon hunting. I am not known as Brandon when coon hunting. I am Ridge Runner. I hunt with Swamp Dog, Cooter, and Wampus Kitty A.K.A. Ezikiel. We take out Hank, Kelly and Daisy, 3 of the best dogs in the world. Hank is a big idiot and barks at everything, but its Kelly you want to listen for. We load Cooter's backpack up with beer because he's our pack mule. We pound beers and chase coons until the Game Warden or some kind of law lurks somewhere on an ATV. Then we get the hell outta there.
Update: R.I.P Daisy 2004-2008 Died killin' coon.
#38. Cut down a tree. I might be only a couple of generations away from a chimpanzee, but cutting down a tree with an axe is quite an accomplishment. Especially if you can use it for a bench. I am sorry to the young woodland creatures we uncovered in the process.
#39. Take a body shot. Slurping copious amounts of hard proof liquor out of the navel of a female is certainly an experience worth going to war for.
#40. Go to a movie by myself. I saw Superman Returns. I'm glad I wasn't with anyone because I think I might have been witness to a suicide. It was one of the worst movies I've ever seen.
#38. Cut down a tree. I might be only a couple of generations away from a chimpanzee, but cutting down a tree with an axe is quite an accomplishment. Especially if you can use it for a bench. I am sorry to the young woodland creatures we uncovered in the process.
#39. Take a body shot. Slurping copious amounts of hard proof liquor out of the navel of a female is certainly an experience worth going to war for.
#40. Go to a movie by myself. I saw Superman Returns. I'm glad I wasn't with anyone because I think I might have been witness to a suicide. It was one of the worst movies I've ever seen.
I really wish they would have made a Doomsday based Superman movie. The comic was written back in the 90's and has Superman die in the end. Definitely a great comic book.
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